Ice Cores Show Pollution’s Impact on Arctic Atmosphere

Dartmouth study solves a marine mystery by tying ocean biomarker to pollution levels. A Dartmouth-led study on ice cores from Alaska and Greenland found that air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels reaches the remote Arctic in amounts large enough to alter its fundamental atmospheric chemistry. The findings illustrate the long reach of fossil fuel emissions and provide support for the importance of clean-air rules, which the team found can reverse the effect. The impact of pollution on the Arctic began as soon as widespread fossil fuel usage took…

Gencarkan Zero Waste Family, DLH Klaten Ajak Gen Z Bersihkan Rowo Jombor

Merayakan World Cleanup Day (WCD), Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kabupaten Klaten mengajak anak muda bersih-bersih Rowo Jombor. Ini pun menjadi upaya zero waste family system DLH Klaten. Kegiatan World Cleanup Day (WCD) yang digelar di Rowo Jombor, Desa Krakitan, Kecamatan Bayat itu diinisiasi Pemkab Klaten melalui Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) dan Dinas Kebudayaan Kepemudaan Olahraga dan Pariwisata (Disbudporapar). Sekitar 150 orang dari komunitas peduli sampah, relawan WCD, siswa SMA, akademisi, hingga pegiat lingkungan turut digandeng untuk mewujudkan obyek wisata Rowo Jombor yang bersih dari sampah. Sampah yang ada di Taman…